Tuesday, January 22, 2019

555 (1988)

"One doesn't come across decapitation and mutilation everyday."

Filmed for a budget that looks to be less than 555 dollars, 555 somehow managed to stumble through its 80 minute runtime and actually kept me entertained the whole way.  I mean, it's no ABOMINATION, but it did have a certain micro-budget charm to it that kept me smirking and shaking my handsome skull in disbelief.  For example, this heated exchange between a reporter and a homicide detective...Female reporter, "You're a prick, Conner.  You know that don't you?"  Male detective, "And you're a cunt!"  Hahaha...what?

Anyway, 555 opens with a couple being attacked mid-fuck on the beach.  The man's head is chopped off and the woman's dying/dead body raped.  That sounds much worse than what's actually shown, cause the only thing we really see is a topless woman screaming while somebody offscreen tosses a thick red liquid on her.  A passerby discovers the bodies and the cops, for no good reason, are hellbent on framing this guy for the murders.  It's completely overboard (and funny) how angry the main cop is.  Things change though when another couple is attacked the next night and then the next and so on.  You see...555 means every five years the mystery murderer strikes and kills two lovers for five nights in a row.  I'm not 100% sure how that equals 555, but whatever.

Steady pace, homemade sets that do their job, better than you would expect acting, multiple poorly shot topless scenes, out of control cops, nowhere near as much blood and gore as you would expect, corpse humping, head-scratching dialogue.  555 definitely isn't for everybody, but it is a fun trip down a lesser known path of movie history.