Monday, January 11, 2016


One of the many things I enjoy about the films of Takashi Miike is each time you sit down to watch one of his movies you honestly have no idea what you are in for.  A lot of times the story sounds pretty straight-forward and normal, but then Miike adds in his special touches and suddenly you have something unique and very entertaining.  The story on this outing sounds normal enough...

Riki Takeuchi is a small time Chinese thug operating in Tokyo.  Along the way he manages to piss off local yakuza boss (Renji Ishashi) and crooked police officer (Sho Aikawa).

...but there is more to the film than just that.  Exceptional editing, a brutal kiddie pool scene that looks like the cover to a goregrind album, strong acting, the two main characters (who hate each others guts) introducing the film together before the opening credits, a knife-throwing act with nearly naked dudes, dog sex.  It's not the greatest Miike yakuza film ever, but it's a solid one that's entertaining from beginning to end.  And speaking of the ending: holy shit.  That was one of the best endings to a low budget film I've ever seen.  I sat there stunned for a few seconds, giggled, then watched it again 4 more times.  Brilliant!  Also make sure to watch the alternate ending to YAKUZA DEMON for a joke based on this ending.

Part 2 - Dead or Alive 2: Birds (2000)
Part 3 - Dead or Alive: Final (2002)

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

FISH TANK (2009)

"Say hello to the whales for me!"

I love this movie.

After being thrown out of school, fifteen-year-old Mia (who lives with her single mother and little sister in a public house estate in Essex) fills her empty days by walking around getting into trouble and breaking into empty apartments to practice dancing.  Her mother doesn't care about what Mia does and seems more preoccupied with partying than being a mother to her two children.  Maybe she even resents them for being born?  Mia's life changes one morning, when she meets a new guy (Michael Fassbender) that her mother brought home last night.  Nothing is openly implied, but you can tell by Mia's demeanor and the intimate camerawork that she is smitten by this guy.  Her entire life has been nothing but moment-to-moment brutality and a complete lack of parenting and suddenly here's this handsome guy who talks to her like an adult and smiles at her in that certain way.

FISH TANK is one of the best movies of all time and Katie Jarvis' performance is one of the best ever captured on film.  I've watched it over a dozen times and every time I'm completely spellbound by...well, everything!  The story is depressing as fook, but somehow still uplifting and funny.  The performances by the entire cast are spellbinding (I especially loved the little sister.  She steals every scene she's in and I quote her all the time. "I bet there is, like, a million fucking bugs in this grass." "If I'm a fuck face, you're a cunt face", fish A.I.D.S., etc.)  The camerawork by Robbie Ryan is beautiful and the direction/writing by Andrea Arnold is absolutely perfect.  I love how FISH TANK doesn't over-explain itself and lets the audience figure things out for themselves.

Sometimes I hate being stupid and unable to properly express my admiration for a film, but that's kinda where I'm at right now.  Just do yourself a favor and go check out FISH TANK.  Also, say hello to the whales for me.
One of my favorite shots of all time.