As much as I enjoy Jimmy Stewart, Dan Duryea and Audie Murphy, I can see why
Anthony Mann turned this movie down: the script is way more complicated than it
needs to be and there's no tension. Instead of being concerned about what
happened to who I spent most of my time scratching my head in confusion. From
what I gathered Stewart used to work for the railroad as a bounty hunter or
something. Anyway, he let a guy (Audie Murphy) escape once and they fired him.
Jump back to the present day and the railroad secretly hires Stewart back to
deliver $10,000 to a work camp. As luck would have it Audie Murphy and his gang
rob the train, but they can't find the money since Stewart hid it on a kid.
Other stuff happens including people riding horses and shooting guns, but it's
just a mess. Not a disaster, just a ham-handed mess.
All three of the leads are fine, but the direction by James Neilson is dead on
arrival. Also a number of the scenes are obviously shot on a sound stage, which
I found very distracting. Not really worth watching.
Interesting fact: According to IMDb Jimmy Stewart was so upset with Anthony Mann
for refusing to direct the movie he never spoke to him ever again!

Notice Jack Elam on the right?