I wasn't all that impressed with FOREIGN CORRESPONDENT. The assassination scene and the subsequent chase scene are both well made and exciting...although the cops reaction times during the assassination were pathetic. Other than those two sections (and a few bright moments with Laraine Day as McCrea's love interest), the rest of the movie is pretty dull. Yeah, I'm sure audiences were thrilled at the airplane scene (although not too thrilled since the film lost money), but watching it nowadays it just doesn't hold up. Moderate pace that needed speeding up, average acting, a large number of distracting mistakes, lots of scenes are obviously rear projected, heavy-handed propaganda throughout including the ending. Worth a watch for those interested in Alfred Hitchcock, but it's nothing to get overly excited for.
After watching the film I did some reading up and I found this interesting quote from Joel McCrea talking about Hitchcock: "He had a habit of drinking champagne for lunch and I remember one day after lunch we shot a boring scene with me just standing there talking. After it was over I expected to hear him call 'cut', but I looked over and he was sleeping, snoring with his lips sticking out. I called for the cut, he woke up and asked if the scene was good. I said 'The best in the picture.' and he said, 'Print it.'"
Lights above the set clearly visible.
"Excuse me sir, it appears your mustache has fallen off."