Showing posts with label Lee Grant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lee Grant. Show all posts

Monday, February 7, 2022

SHAMPOO (1975)

Los Angeles, 1968. Beverly Hills hairdresser George Roundy (Warren Beatty) has dreams of opening his own salon, but doesn't have the money. So, in order to raise the funds, he seduces a client (Lee Grant) and together, they try to convince her wealthy husband (Jack Warden) to finance George's salon. That's unethical as fuck (especially since George has a girlfriend of his own, Goldie Hawn, plus an ex that he’s still sleeping with, Julie Christie), but it has a good chance of working...if George can keep his dong in his britches. Unfortunately, George's sex drive is so out of control that he cannot help but to get in his own way.

As far as pre-RACQUET clones go, SHAMPOO is a good film. Strong acting by an impressive cast, quick pace, awesome fashions, interesting characters, a few funny moments, beautiful Los Angeles locations and some really great music during the party scene that fit absolutely perfect (especially the Buffalo Springfield song).

One thing that did go over my simple (yet still incredibly handsome) brain was all of the political themes and stuff going on in the background. Multiple times throughout the film there's a television featuring coverage of Richard Nixon's election. I don't know what the point of that was or why the film was set in 1968 instead of 1975, but even without understanding that extra layer of the story, I still enjoyed it. Maybe it has something to do with sexual revolution? And speaking of sex…I was surprised by the lack of sex in the film. Yeah, there’s sex talk and implied sex scenes, but SHAMPOO is much tamer than I expected it to be. I’m curious if SHAMPOO was considered risque or controversial when it came out?

Anyway, SHAMPOO is a fun film and worth checking out.  I am a little confused with Lee Grant winning the Best Supporting Actress Oscar for her role in this film.  I mean, she's definitely good, but it didn't stand out to me as award worthy.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


"Damien Thorn is the Antichrist."

Seven years after the events of the first film, Damien Thorn is now 12-years-old and living with his wealthy aunt and uncle.  Life is pretty normal for Damien: friends, military school, loving adoptive parents...but all of that changes when he learns that he's the Antichrist!  I mean, that's kinda shitty when you think about it...he never asked to be the Antichrist.  Anyway, just like in the first film, Damien has a small army of secret protectors watching over him and, most importantly, that awesome pre-FINAL DESTINATION invisible force is still going around killing everybody in crazy ways.  The kills in this film are pretty wicked.  My two favorites were the raven ripping the woman's eyeballs out before she stumbles out into the road then gets launched by a truck and the dude getting cut in half in the elevator.  I re-watched both multiple times.

Right from the beginning, DAMIEN: OMEN II moves along at a brisk pace.  The acting is really good (William Holden and Lee Grant were both fantastic), the story is very interesting, great kills, nice photography.  Hell, the whole thing is enjoyable.  I watched it twice for this review.  One thing that kinda struck me weird was how Lance Henriksen's character never really went anywhere.  Also, the abrupt ending.  It almost seems like there was more to the original story that didn't make it to the screen.

Anyway, if you like the OMEN series, then Part 2 is mandatory.  I honestly like it even more than Part 1.  It's a great continuation of the story.  I did miss the demonic dogs though.  Who left the dogs out?!  Woof, woof, woof, woof, woof!

Part 1 - The Omen (1976)
Part 3 - Omen III: The Final Conflict (1981)
Part 4 - Omen IV: The Awakening (1991)
Remake 1 - The Omen (2006)
Prequel - The First Omen (2024)