Punch the core, backbuilding, finger of god, cone of silence, jumper, the suck
zone. These are all terms that tornado chasers use every...single...day.
It's almost as important as being able to hold on to a metal pipe tight enough
to keep yourself from being pulled up into the suck zone of a finger of god
tornado that just threw a two-story house at you.
Bill Paxton is an ex-storm chaser, who with his new fiancee Jami Gertz, goes
into the field to find his soon to be ex-wife Helen Hunt and have her sign the
divorce papers. While there, the biggest string of tornadoes in 12 years pops up
and quiet life be damned! Bill Paxton is gonna chase some of these suckers down
and punch their hole with his fancy measuring device. The rest of the movie is
just that: overly excited nerds driving all over the joint wrecking shit,
overacting and screaming non-stop. You definitely don't have time to get bored,
but you do have time to yell "Bullshit!" over and over as repeatedly the main
characters defy logic, high winds and flying debris (like an exploding tanker
truck, multiple tractors and a cow...twice) without even getting a scratch. But
that's the whole point of the movie: forget reality and just have fun. If you're
unable to do that, then skip this movie. It's pure junk food for the
brain. It's awesome.
Compared to other mid-90's disaster movies, TWISTER is pretty good. There's tons
of action and Bill Paxton is great. I just wish the filmmakers would have let
him be a little looser with the character...imagine how awesome it would have
been if a little bit of Pvt. Hudson came out during the final tornado! "We're in some real pretty shit now!"
If you like disaster movies, then TWISTER is very much worth watching. And
surprisingly the special effects still hold up alright even after all these
years. I watch it once or twice a year easily. Also, watch out for the
reference to THE ABYSS, plus THE SHINING and A STAR IS BORN (1954) featured.
Part 2 - Twisters (2024)