Tuesday, October 8, 2024


Full disclosure: the audio on this movie isn’t the best, so my apologizes if I got anything in the story incorrect.

A young vampire by the name of Ebony goes to college but seems to fill 100% of her time hanging out with her two boyfriends(?) instead of going to class. One evening she and bf #1 go to a shit rock concert in a deserted basement. Afterward they fuck in the woods. Later on, bf #1 is kidnapped by somebody whose name sounded like Lord Moldyhorse. So, Ebony shoots a vampire guard in the head and watches two guys fuck in the hallway outside her bedroom. Later on, there is some lightning and Horsemold rolls down a hill. Fin.

I literally have zero info about this movie. I should probably do some research, but I don’t care and nobody reads this shit anyway. That said, MY IMMORTAL THE MOVIE seems to just be a student film and with that in mind, I enjoyed it. The 45-minute runtime (that includes both opening and closing credits) didn’t overstay its welcome, the pace was brisk, the story was wacky and seems to be based on Harry Potter. I think? I swear to Satan I heard somebody yell something like “you Muggle fuck” at one point. As far as the acting goes, it’s definitely more middle school-level than college, but still, it worked out fine with a story of this nature and the actors seemed to be having fun.

Why this movie was released on DVD, I’m not really sure, but I’m glad it was and will probably watch it again with friends at some point. As far as the negatives go, I straight-up had no idea what the fuck was going on, the crappy music was too loud in the mix, the use of the r-word was uncalled for, I don’t think there was any consideration for lighting and despite seeing boom mic reflections in various windows…I’m not sure that the mic was turned on. The audio on AX ‘EM was better. And that ain’t a joke.

Shitty lighting, shitty audio, whatever. MY IMMORTAL THE MOVIE was a fun watch and definitely better than some of the crap I've seen in the movie theater this year. THE WATCHERS, I'm talking about you, mugglefucker!

Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Set back in the Old West days, THE APPLE DUMPLING GANG is about a traveling gambler (Bill Bixby) who inadvertently gets saddled with three annoying punk kids. I hate them. And everybody in town hates them also. That is…until the kids discover a huge chunk of gold! Now suddenly everybody wants to adopt these annoying (and wealthy) fucks. At the same time, two bumbling idiots (Don Knotts and Tim Conway) devise several goofy ideas to steal the gold.

Tim Conway and Don Knotts are by far the best part of the movie. Their stupid shenanigans are kinda funny, but not really. When they were on screen, I was amused. When they weren’t, I was not amused and struggled to pay attention to the run-of-the-mill story.

So, should you watch these apple dumpling motherfuckers? Ehhh. If you were born after 1980, then probably not. It’s pretty dated. But for fans of older cinema, it was a treat to see so many familiar faces like Slim Pickens, Harry Morgan, Susan Clark and John McGiver hamming it up in a light-hearted kids movie. Medium pace, a few mildly funny jokes, simple story. THE APPLE DUMPLING GANG is an okay lazy afternoon time-waster. But, if you’re looking for some classic Conway-Knotts hijinks then check out THE PRIVATE EYES. I’ve seen that fucker like 50 times and I still crack up at the bullshit they get up to in that movie. “She’s gone! She’s gooooonnne!!!”

Part 2 - The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again (1979)

Tuesday, September 10, 2024


I love Jesus as much as the next motherfucker, but goddamn, I wish my fellow Christians would at least try to learn some storytelling / moviemaking skills. Right from the opening credits, things look bleak (or promising if you’re a fan of bad movies) when a condescending narrator and a smug news reporter both start talking separately (while stock footage plays) about something called “The Vanishing” where “tens of millions” of humans simply disappeared without a trace. We’re then introduced to a tech billionaire (Neal McDonough) who seems to be up to some sinister shenanigans and a sad Vanishing widower (Kevin Sorbo) standing in a closet smelling his disappeared wife’s clothing and moping around the house like a loser. Then, much to my horror (glee), we’re reintroduced to the newscaster guy who I thought was a bit player but is actually the main character! Oh, the horror, the horror. It’s awesome! Anyway, the news reporter guy is investigating a rising political figure who might actually be the Antichrist. And...I guess that's it. The extent of the entire movie.  Oh yeah, the newscaster is dating Sorbo's character's daughter.  What a small world.

I wanted to enjoy this movie (I absolutely love the idea of The Rapture) but LEFT BEHIND: RISE OF THE ANTICHRIST was a huge disappointment.  I was really hoping for some hardcore psychotic Christian drama, but nope.  It's just too weak and uninspired to be enjoyable. The story is a mess and never goes anywhere, but even worse is the look of the film. I don’t know what you call the bland look of this movie, but honestly, it was fucking offensive. It felt like everything had been drained of its life and humanity. Colin Robinson from What We Do in the Shadows couldn’t even make something this dull and lifeless!

Good acting by the three main professional actors (Neal McDonough, Corbin Bernsen and Bailey Chase), offensively soulless cinematography, bland sets, dead script filled with dead dialogue, zero tension, zero nudity, not even one song by the band Throat Piss, disappointing ending, one scene with a Jesusvision effect that was kind of neat, a guy noticing a car bomb and instead of running away just stands there screaming (I went back and timed it, he had 5 seconds to get away), some innocent grave robbing for Christ, simplistic script about a worldwide event but only focuses on a few people, some innocent littering for Christ, not enough preaching, not enough stuff about the antichrist, multiple scenes where the cameraperson was visible, a couple of salvation scenes that were very subdued and disappointing, drab colours, boring music, illegally flying a small aircraft over downtown New York City with no issue at all.

Overall, LEFT BEHIND: RISE OF THE ANTICHRIST is worth watching if you enjoy cheesy cinema, but if you're looking for a serious film then skip it.

Original series
Left Behind: The Movie (2000)
Left Behind II: Tribulation Force (2002)
Left Behind: World at War (2005)

Left Behind (2014)

Vanished - Left Behind: Next Generation (2016)