I love both Cary Grant and Myrna Loy, so you would think the pairing of them
together would be a sure sign of a hilarious movie. Well it's not. MR. BLANDINGS
BUILDS HIS DREAM HOUSE has numerous funny moments, but the thing that turned me
off overall to the movie was the fact that Blandings has a job where he
apparently does nothing but can still afford to not only support a wife and two
kids but also afford a maid and build a gigantic house at a grossly overinflated
price! It bothered the shit out of me. I don't know jack about the advertising
business (except that the majority of commercials I see make me want to kill the
entire human race), but Blandings has a job where he's given the assignment of
coming up with a new slogan for a ham company and he's given six fucking months
to do it!!!!!!! You're telling me this guy is getting paid enough money to live
like a fucking king because he can come up with a slogan every six months!?!!
What the fuck? It's all I could think about the entire movie.
OK, OK, let's forget about the whole money grows on tree aspect of the story and
just focus on the comedy...ehh, it's alright. Unfortunately, most of the jokes
focus on the different ways that Blandings is getting ripped off. Example: the
guy he's paying to discover water for his well is paid by the foot, so the joke
is the well digger guy has to dig over 200 feet down to discover water while the
house construction guys only have to dig down 6 feet to discover a spring that
ends up flooding the basement. Hardy-har-har. If that kind of stuff gets you to
knee-slapping then MBBHDH is the movie for you. I kinda found it more depressing
than funny.
Not a bad movie, but I think you'd better off watching
which has a very similar story, but actually funny.