Housewife Mildred Pierce isn't happy at home. Her husband recently lost his job
and he just isn't bringing in the bacon it takes to provide their two daughters
with singing lessons, piano lessons and nice clothes...especially eldest
daughter Veda, who's a Grade-A cunt. Mildred and her husband soon separate and
Mildred secretly gets a job as a waitress. Before long she knows all the ins and
outs of the restaurant business and opens up her own place. It's a success, but
will it be enough to satisfy the spoiled Veda? And what of the men in Mildred's
life? Oh yeah, there's also that little matter of murder!
Told in long flashback form during the investigation of a murder, the 1945 film
version of MILDRED PIERCE differs
greatly from James Cain's thrilling
hard-boiled novel of the same name. The reason for the changes is there's
absolutely no way that story could have been told in 1945. Usually I'm
strongly against changing a story so radically from the author's original
vision, but the screenwriters here (including William Faulkner!) did an
excellent job. Add onto that some outstanding acting by everybody and you got
yourself a really good movie. I've seen MP a number of times now and it's always
a pleasure and strikes me as a very mature film for 1945.
Highly recommended.
IMDb lists Joyce Compton as "Waitress (uncredited)", but I don't see here
Based on same novel - Mildred Pierce (2011)