You would think that this is where the real excitement starts, but no. You'd be wrong. Once Flynn and the escaped Nazi's get out in the wilderness...nothing happens! There's a lot of talking and walking, but no real tension. Yeah, Flynn tries to turn his captors on each other, but that goes over like a lead balloon. They keep talking about it being rough country, but everybody looks pretty comfortable. Nobody freezes to death, there's no frostbite or starvation or dysentery. And where are the animals?! I was hoping for a bear attack or maybe a pack of wolves, a rabid moose, a grumpy chipmunk, anything! Nothing. These woods are fucking dead. I didn't even see a wookalar. Nothing! So if there are no forces of nature or killer animals to keep us entertained then what is there? Not much.
Not all is bad though. Flynn has great screen presence and the direction by Raoul Walsh is impressive as always. I think the main problem with the film is the script is just kinda lame. There wasn't enough action or adventure to keep me interested. Also, it didn't help that Flynn and his love interest, Julie Bishop, had zero screen chemistry.
Worth a watch if you an Errol Flynn fan, but that's about it. I own it and I doubt I'll ever watch it again.