"Die you invisible jerk!"
Dr. Kevin Dorkwinkle, I mean, Dornwinkle doesn't have the strongest control of
his temper (as evidenced when he beats some fellow scientists
to death for daring to laugh at his failed invisibility serum), but when
he eventually does come up with a working invisibility serum it plays havoc with
his already fragile brain and he's soon going around killing everybody in
bizarre ways like ramming a sandwich down a guys throat, aquarium drowning,
tossing a radio into a shower, head stomping and fire hose strangulation.
Sounds like rejected Cannibal Corpse song titles!
For what it is, THE INVISIBLE MANIAC isn't so bad. It's definitely
watchable. Passable (over)acting, steady pace,
lots of naked chicks, respectable body count, one outstanding song, late 80's/early 90's fashions,
a completely illogical story that wisely ignores the stuff that makes no sense
and just rolls with the action instead.
Worth a watch for fans of the "high school teacher turned invisible sex
maniac/psycho killer" sub-genre.