Voss Water presents Damn, This Motherfucker Is Trippin’! a.k.a. Smile
[This is simply a placeholder until I can get my hands on a physical copy for a
real review with screenshots. But yeah, I enjoyed S2. It’s definitely better
than the first film. Although, the double jump scares did get old. If I can find
inspiration between now and then to write a legit review, then I will. But I’ll
probably just wait until I can watch it again at home and take notes. Until then
I'll just re-watch Angel season 2, episode 2.]
Finally got a physical copy to take screenshots from and man it was hard to get
through SMILE 2 a second time. Watching it for the first time in the movie
theater was enjoyable since the storytelling was so frantic, but now that I know
all of the twists already...it was a chore to watch again. Still, above average
thriller with an okay amount of bloody effects. Zero nudity, no sense of real
danger, annoying characters that were fun to root against, jump scene overdose,
nice sets, a
Talking Heads shirt, too many scenes set at night, lead actress that
occasionally looked like Buffy (charity speech scene).
Overall, SMILE 2 is
better than part 1 and a small step in the right direction. Hopefully, the next
installment will be completely bonkers.
Post-review note: I still haven't tried Voss Water, but I intent to. Shit made
me thirsty watching this movie!
Part 1 - Smile (2022)