This will probably be the shittiest “review” (or whatever it is I do on here) on Happyotter, but there’s really nothing that I can say about this film without giving something away. It is just packed to the brim (even the very first scene) with awesome story revelations. The movie is only 67 minutes long but I was rewinding it and yelling so much that it probably took me over three hour to watch the whole thing. There’s so much going on in this movie, that I rewatched some of it today and even started drawing a diagram to figure out the story! It’s fucking awesome!
I doubt anybody who’s involved with this film will ever see this, but if you do: Thank you. I really mean it. I had so much fun watching this series that I’ve been smiling all week. And I’m already handsome as fuck so now I’m just that much more handsomeomererier or something with this big goofy grin on my mug.
Fuck me, that scene with Ken’s mom was one of the greatest moments in movie history. I was over here yelling “Ohhhhhhh!” like Andrew Dice Clay back in 1990.
Fuck it, if you love awesome movies, then you need to check out this entire series. And if anybody has anything else like this, then for the love of Satan please mail me that shit. My PO Box is listed somewhere around here.
Part 1 - Bloody Mistake (2009)
Part 2 - Bloody Mistake II (2009)