[Update 10/22/2018: I promise to fix this review one day. I have no idea
Ahhhh yeah!!!! All of your favorite piranhas are back in town! You got Bitey,
Nibbler, Toecutter, Copernicus Jr., Evil Professor Doomsmurf, Scooty Puff,
Beaker, Sparkle, Fifthwheel, Brown Cloud, The Larry, Citizen Balls, Whisker
Biscuit, Chompers, Three Bean Queef, After You Clean Your Diarrhea, Slappy,
Menlo Schwartzer, Rumple Fforeskin, Lil' Orphan Funkhouser, Daniel Bean Boone, Gil Saint Geegland, Egbert Rumpus
Bumpus, Pathetic Weiner, The Fucker, Stewmaster McPhatcock, Stinky Lomax, Chad Farthouse, Timothy Nazlerod, Rip Van Winkle Ballz, Gorilla Thunder
Monkey, Inspector Underwear, Skidmark and introducing the new piranha:
Sir-Flies-A-Little (With the Help of Wires)! Imagine how excited I was!!! So I
crammed the disc in the trusty ol' Oppo and the first thing I noticed was how
shitty the picture looks. The second thing I noticed was this movie sucks total
The first movie was just ok (it had an awesome poster also), so you would have
thought that I learned my lesson, but no I go into Part 2 thinking about how
promising that poster looks and...it's crap. Very little action, mostly
shot in the dark and the shots of the wire-flying piranhas are so quick you can
barely even see what's going on. Very disappointing.
The only saving grace in this clusterfuck is it has an early performance by
Lance Henriksen. Skip it.
Original - Piranha (1978)
Remake - Piranha (1995)
Reboot 1 - Piranha 3D (2010)
Reboot sequel - Piranha 3DD (2012)