Awwwwhh yeah!!!! All of your favorite pran-yahs are back in town! You got Bitey, Nibbler, Toecutter, Copernicus Jr., Evil Professor Doomsmurf, Scooty Puff, Beaker, Sparkle, Fifthwheel, Brown Cloud, The Larry, Citizen Balls, Whisker Biscuit, Chompers, Three Bean Queef, After You Clean Your Diarrhea, Slappy, Menlo Schwartzer, Rumple Fforeskin, Lil' Orphan Funkhouser, Daniel Bean Boone, Gil Saint Geegland, Focuscocking On Mass, Egbert Rumpus Bumpus, Pathetic Weiner, The Fucker, Devourer of Feculence, Stewmaster McPhatcock, Stinky Lomax, Bucephalus the Bicycle, Chad Farthouse, Timothy Nazlerod, Rip Van Winkle Ballz, Gooch Pucker, Gorilla Thunder Monkey, Inspector Underwear, Skidmark and introducing the new piranha: Sir-Flies-A-Little (With the Help of Wires)! Imagine how excited I was!!!
Actually, I wasn’t excited at all since the original film is just barely okay. And it ends up there was no need for excitement cause part 2 is even less okay than the first film. Long story short, the piranhas are vacationing at a beachside resort in Jamaica and can now fly a little. People start popping up dead with beaucoups of small bite wounds all over them. Police officer Lance Henriksen is on the case. At the same time, people still go diving nonstop and hanging out near the beach. It’s all very boring. The beginning of the film was a little bit promising with some good character development but it just keeps dragging on and on and the kill scenes are all lame.
The film features James Cameron’s name as the Director, but it doesn’t have that normal Cameron feel to it at all. Apparently there was a ton of difficulty during the filming of PIRANHA II: THE SPAWNING, so I don’t consider this to be a true Cameron picture. Cameron involvement aside, P2:TS isn’t much of a film. Boring pace, meh camerawork, average early 80’s low-budget special effects, very brief nudity, an adult actress making out and getting topless with an under-18 male actor, unsatisfying everything else. Skip it, unless you're curious or really bored.
Original - Piranha (1978)
Remake - Piranha (1995)
Reboot 1 - Piranha 3D (2010)
Reboot sequel - Piranha 3DD (2012)