Mediocre late 80’s supernatural horror that would have benefited from some
gratuitous violence/gore and nudity. I saw THE GATE when it first came out and
for all these years I’ve thought that the kid opened up the gate to Hell by
backmasking a heavy metal album. That would have been awesome! But I was wrong,
because the pit first opens up when a tree falls down. How...lame.
Anyway, so this hole opens up in a family's suburban backyard and nobody really
thinks that it's strange that this large hole just showed up and keeps
reappearing every time you fill it in. Random shit happens: a kid cuts himself
near the hole; a intellectual disability dickneck buries a dead dog
in the hole and BAM! Faster than you can say “HBO should discover Robert McCammon.” a bunch of
ugly little minions start running around tearing up shit. They looked pretty
menacing at first, but outside of the clawing up a door and unorganized your
closet, they’re pretty harmless. But I don’t think scary was what THE GATE
was going for...hum…now that I think of it I have no idea what this movie is
trying to do! Still, even with the low budget and lack of action, THE GATE
is an alright movie and a enjoyable time waster. You could definitely do worse.
I think the reason this film has such a cult following now is because a lot of
people saw it when they were kids.
Director Tibor Takacs went on to direct the smash hits MEGA SNAKE and
Part 2 - Gate 2: The Trespassers (1990)