The other thing that pissed me off, besides the complete lack of imagination on the part of the writer, is the ridiculous loose ends. You're telling me that 5 students from the same high school can all either die or disappear (because they are dead) and the police are never going to get involved?! Horseshit! Also, where the f did the zombie come from and why didn't whoever put it there come back and claim her? That would be truly scary, cause whoever is behind this has to be completely evil.
Maybe the entire film is some kind of weak fairy tale allegory bullshit about fantasies, feminism or who knows maybe even homoerotic desires? Cause I damn sure don't want to stand behind some dude and just stare at him humping on a crusty dead broad.
Ehh, fuck it. The movie blew, but not bad enough to not watch it. If you're
into necrophilia cinema then check it out, but not until after you watch
(PART 1 only, PART 2 was weak), VISITOR Q and
KISSED first. I did like the look of the film though, it reminded me of Larry
Clark's straightforward style from BULLY and KIDS...hey, I just had a cool
idea: think how badass this film might have turned out if Larry Clark had
directed it! Now that would have been
interesting to see.