Monday, May 24, 2010


A meteor crashes in the desert and explodes into a million pieces. When the pieces are exposed to water [insert low effort Mogwai joke here] they start growing until they turn into giant towers and fall over exploding into a thousand pieces and all of those pieces do the same thing. Also, if you happen to touch one of the rocks that's gotten wet it'll suck all of the moisture out of your body and turn you into rock! Yikes!

For a B-level sci-fi thriller THE MONOLITH MONSTERS is entertaining enough. The acting is over the top and the music is too dramatic, but it's still a fun watch.  Also, the town looks a lot like the Hill Valley set from BACK TO THE FUTURE.  If you like 50's sci-fi then you definitely need to check out THE MONOLITH MONSTERS. My biggest complaint is not enough people turned into stone.  I would love to see a serious remake.  Maybe even a limited series with a slower build up.