Monday, July 22, 2024

DEER CAMP '86 (2022)

The most original thing about DEER CAMP ’86 is the name. That actually is an eye-catching title which brings to mind all kinds of cool and unique ideas…that, sadly, never happen. Instead of fun THE BURNING, SLEEPAWAY CAMP and early FRIDAY THE 13TH-style camp hijinks mixed an awesome new slasher villain’s badass murder skillz, the viewer gets the middle-of-the-road tale about six bland dudes hanging out in the woods while an angry forest spirit rustles around in the bushes and occasionally kills somebody (in the third act).

As the film opens, our heroes are heading out to the woods when they stop at a bar. They get in a fight with some locals and then go on to their cabin. I wish that the filmmakers had, in order to run up the kill count, had the locals follow our heroes with the intent of getting some sort of revenge. Then they all get slaughtered one-by-one without our heroes realizing it. That would have added some excitement to the story because instead, the entire middle section of the film is just the six hunters drinking beer, talking shit and digging a deer tick out of one dude’s ballsack. No killings at all. It’s nearly one hour into the movie before the murderer even makes its presence known!

As it is though, DEER CAMP ’86 is alright. A solid 5 / 10 film with almost zero blood or gore, lots of (purposely?) goofy dialogue, zero nudity, boring kills, a mediocre pace, subpar special effects, dull camerawork, okay (over) acting, a low body count and a disappointing killer. There’s really not much to say about the movie. It’s just kinda meh. The entire thing is strictly by the numbers and unimaginative. I'm not even sure that DEER CAMP '86 can be considered a horror movie. No ups, no downs. No surprises. No real reason why it is even set in 1986. I didn’t hate it, I didn’t love it. I just kinda sat there watching it, expecting something cool to happen. And it never did.

Double feature with Boner Jams 03'.