Showing posts with label Leonardo DiCaprio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leonardo DiCaprio. Show all posts

Monday, October 4, 2010


Borrowing from a number of other things-aren't-quite-as-they-seem films, SHUTTER ISLAND is about a federal marshal, Angus McCootybritches, who's visiting an insane asylum to investigate a missing patient.  The asylum is located on an island and right from the very beginning things don't seem right and guess what?! They aren't.

I was really excited about this film, but as the story slowly progressed my disappointment grew. It's not a bad film by any means. The acting by McCootybritches is good and the direction by Scorsese is alright, but the story is dead on arrival and extremely predictable. Also, what's up with the lame CG effects? They were distracting in their shittiness.

It's worth watching, I guess, but I was hoping for something original.