Friday, September 10, 2010

JAWS (1975)

"You're going to need a bigger boat."

The citizens of sleepy Amity Island don't think too much of it when a young visitor disappears after a beach party. These kind of things occasionally happen when you live so close to the ocean...drownings, boating accidents, etc., but things change when the body is found. The mutilated corpse shows clear signs of a shark attack. Police Chief Brody, in his first year on the job, is startled by the corpse and sets out to close the beaches before anybody else gets killed. The mayor gets wind of his intentions and stops him because "Amity is a summer town." that depends of the tourist's money. Bad call. Soon after a boy, a man and cute dog are killed by the rouge shark in clear view of everybody. Things happen and soon Chief Brody, a marine biologist and a local shark hunter set out to kill the shark. That is where the story really takes off.

Not only is JAWS one of the most influential films of the 1970's, it's probably one of the most influential films of all time.  And with great reason: it's a awesome movie.  Attention getting story with a pace that never lets up, great acting (Robert Shaw and Roy Scheider should have both been nominated for an Academy Award), beautiful scenery, great photography, legendary monster that scared the living fuck out of an entire generation and probably one of the most instantly identifiable musical scores of all time.  Highly, highly recommended. This is one of my favorite movies to watch over and over again.

A great story about a fan hunting for the fourth "Bruce"

Part 2 - Jaws 2 (1978)
Part 3 - Jaws 3 (1983)
Part 4 - Jaws: The Revenge (1987)

"Coroner" misspelled twice.

 How nice of Bruce to give Quint a cushion to lay on.

 Crab flying from offscreen.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Mildly interesting low budget film noir that tells the tale of a 2nd-rate hit man from the time he's given his orders all the way to when he gets paid. Everything is included from him buying the gun to stalking his prey. Good idea for a movie and I did enjoy it a little bit, but the problem I had is it's too goddamn long. Yea, it's only 77 minutes long, but there's only enough action and drama for 50 minutes max.

If you like low-budget noirs then I guess it's worth a watch.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

PIG HUNT (2008)

"From the director of Jason X"?! The DVD cover says that like it's a good thing! I see it more as a warning.
A group of racially balanced hunters (white, black, Asian, Indian, white stoner and two white inbred hillbillies) set off on a pig hunt. They talk a lot, then talk some more, then talk a little more, then cap it off with a little long conversation. Finally...around a hour into the movie, they get pissed off at each other.  The hillbillies get their clan together and start fighting the hunters. The fight spills over into a local hippie commune that is actually a cover for some weed farmers that sacrifice trespassers to a giant boar.  What the hell?  So now, finally, 88 minutes into the movie...the pig shows up!!!

I like the basic idea for PIG HUNT, it could easily be turned into an awesome action-packed and crazy story, but as it is, it cannot even be considered a horror movie, it's just a bunch of annoying dorks walking around the woods talking about nothing, then a pig shows up at the end.  Whoopee!  Skip it with a vengeance.