Sometimes Fate is a bitch. Homicide detective Morgan Freeman has been
walking the streets of this nameless, filthy, rainy metropolis for 34
years. Cruelty for no reason, rampant crime, heartless citizens, dogs and
cats definitely
not living together. It's a hellhole. He's
only got one more week before his retirement and then he can finally leave this
dump forever...and what do you think happens? That's right. Some
screwball starts killing people based on the seven deadly sins: gluttony, greed,
sloth, wrath, pride, improper twerking technique, lust, not using your blinker
when changing lanes, watching Will Smith movies, taking up the entire fucking
aisle in the grocery store with your sideways grocery cart, talking in the movie
theater, driving down W. Parmer Lane in Austin at 30mph when the motherfucking
speed limit is 65, animal hoarding and envy. Freeman soon sees that his
young sexy replacement, Brad Pitt, is in way over his head and that the killer
is leading up to something. Will they be able to stop the killer before he
completes his masterpiece?
One of my favorite things about watching a lot of movies and being in love with
movies is seeing how they influence each other. I remember watching SEVEN
when it first came out and it blew me away. The opening credits were
especially awesome. It was like a Brothers Quay film, but in a mainstream
movie! The other thing was just how gritty and fresh it felt. It's
kind of hard to explain it now, since SEVEN (like it's opening credits sequence)
has been cloned endlessly since then, but at the time it was pretty
awesome. Watching it again now, for the first time in many years, SEVEN
has lost some of it's punch but it's still a fun ride. For some reason, I
remember it being a much darker film, but I guess that can probably just be
chalked up to me being more innocent back then.
Quick pace,
highly influential, good acting, plot holes, great
camerawork, strong cast. SEVEN is mandatory viewing for all movie lovers.
The "vomit" story was repeated at least three times in the above pages.
Why is the police tape on the inside?