I'm sure at this point in time everybody on the universe has seen THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS and they should because it's excellent movie. Watching it again for this review was interesting, because even though I've seen it dozens of times I still got wrapped up in the story. The construction of the story is brilliant, the acting by the entire cast is mind-blowing and the editing is so sharp that it's hard to believe the filmmakers where able to cram so much emotion and detail and character development into 118 minutes!
If you haven't seen this movie, then you really should. Not only is it an excellent movie and massively influential, but it's one of the rare times the Academy Awards actually got it right...mostly. Ted Levine wasn't even nominated for his performance! But it did sweep all of the major awards, including Best Actor for Anthony Hopkins who was absolutely perfect as Hannibal Lecter. So perfect, in fact, that I still think of that role every time I see him.
Part 1 - Manhunter (1986)
Part 3 - Hannibal (2001)
Part 4 - Red Dragon (2002)
Part 5 - Hannibal Rising (2007)

Same few paragraphs over and over.