Everything about this movie annoyed me. The story was overly complicated and stupid. The main actress played the girl so stupidly that at time I wondered if maybe she was borderline intellectually disabled. The fight scenes looked so goddamn fake it made me want to jump 40 feet in the air, flail my legs like an electrocuted octopus then fly down and kick my TV in the pussy. The girl's main friend was intellectually disabled. The side story about the teenage hockey player being in love with the old woman made no sense what so ever and took up probably 30 minutes of the movie! Why?! And all of the flashbacks were completely worthless.
Before this film I held Jae-young Kwak in high regard, but after this disaster I'm really confused as to how the same human being who accomplished something as perfect as MY SASSY GIRL could have even sunk to such artistically low level to make some crap like this. I'm still in a state of shock over how shitty this movie was.
And speaking of shock...what the fuck was up with the Tae-hyun Cha cameo?! When he appeared onscreen I jump up so quickly that the mousetrap flew off my ballsack and hit my cat in the whiskers.
Skip this terrible, terrible film and just forget that it even exists. Go rewatch MY SASSY GIRL again instead.