Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Old man Lester Bacon used to own a big slaughterhouse, but he refused to "mechanize" and  eventually went out of business. The owners of the new improved slaughterhouse down the road want to buy his land, but old man Bacon ain't sellin' cause he's as crazy a shithouse rat.  So, he and his big, fat intellectually disabled son, Buddy Bacon, are gonna fix those fancy shit talkers but good and anybody else who happens onto their land. Especially those dorky 30 year-old teenagers that keep creepin' around filming a horror movie.

For a low-budget TCM rip-off SLAUGHTERHOUSE ain't that bad. The story is passable and the teenagers are entertaining with their horrible acting and funny 80's clothes. The biggest problem is it's just too lightweight. Yea, there's some blood splattered here and there, but other than that this movie is pretty much gore free. Also, there's zero nudity.

An entertaining watch for 80's horror fans, but forgettable.