Set in 1966, the story is about a girl (clue #1: dressed in a hospital gown) who's running through the woods. She comes to a old farmhouse and burns it to the ground. As she's watching it burn some cops roll up and take her back, oops, I mean
to a nearby insane asylum. Once inside, the nurse takes her to her room and (clue #2:) erases the name on her room's door (Tammy) and replaces it with a new one, Kristen. If by this point in the film you haven't figured out the twist ending then you're an idiot and you've obviously missed out on the other 34,000 movies that have been released in the last decade with the same exact twist.
Being a fan of John Carpenter, I had hopes that THE WARD would be atmospheric and awesome, but that just didn't happen. It's not a bad movie, but there is nothing to make it stand out either. It passed the time well enough, but I would never watch it ever again. Months from now the only thing that I'll remember about THE WARD was the three main chicks are all attractive.
Completely unoriginal story. Good acting. Nice pace. Passable direction by Carpenter, but nowhere near what he's capable of. Worth a rent, if you're bored, but that's about it. That said, it was better than Wes Craven's