Astronomer Richard Crenna insists that the comet, named Jenny [yes, I typed that out in Forrest Gump's voice], is going to hit Phoenix and that everybody needs to be evacuated immediately because there's only 8 days until the impact. Of course, it wouldn't be much of a movie if that happened, so instead AFITS branches off into a number of different stories covering people from all walks of life living their lives totally unaware that in a weeks time they're going to get blasted to smithereens. You got the young couple in love and her snobby parents don't approve; Merlin Olsen leading some kids on a hike out in the desert; the concerned mother of one of the kids (since they didn't take a radio with them); the astronomers; various town folk and then an investigative reporter versus the politicians, but to throw a monkey wrench into the situation her husband is in cahoots with the politicians and he's cheating on her!!! Talk about having a bad week!
Tightly constructed script, fairly impressive special effects for a 70's TV movie, interesting characters, above average acting, 70's clothes, plenty of drama. I enjoyed the hell out of this movie and the two and a half hour runtime flew by! Some people might be turned off by the lack of action, but for me the story was interesting enough and I kinda liked seeing a film that focused more on the human than the destruction.
If you can find it I say check it out. I'll definitely be watching my copy again. Also, Lloyd Nolan is credited on IMDb as being in the film as "Doctor", but I can't find him for the life of me and I don't see his name on the opening or closing credits.
Older sister from