"...this town is full of men who deserve to die."
As a highly paid professional movie critic I'm required to say something
profound and intelligent...wait, what? I'm doing this shit for free!? Then fuck
it. YOJIMBO is awesome! Totally rad. Loosely based (in my stupid opinion) on
Dashiell Hammett's brilliant "Red Harvest" and "The Glass Key", YOJIMBO tells
the story of a drifter samurai who innocently wanders into a small village
that's in the middle of a turf war between two equally bad gangs. He quickly
accesses the situation and then takes turns going from one side to the other.
Each step of the way, turning the gangs more and more on each other and secretly
pushing them into mutual destruction.
Even at over 50 years old YOJIMBO is still really exciting and a lot of fun to
watch. Toshiro is perfect as the nameless samurai and Tatsuya is a total badass
as the main tough guy in town. Add to that the all star cast, Kurosawa at the
top of his game and you have one the greatest and most influential Samurai
movies of all time. I can't think of a single reason not to watch YOJIMBO and
watch it often.
Highly recommended. Double feature it with it's sister film