Alright, here we go. Six of the cadets (now police officers) from the first film are sent to the worst performing precinct of their still unnamed city. Which, this time, looks like Los Angeles and not Toronto. The chief of this precinct is the brother of Commandant Lassard from the first film. At the same time, a boot-licking Lieutenant Mauser is promised the chief’s job if the precinct doesn’t improve within 30 days. The main problem in the precinct is a gang of completely nonthreatening hoodlums called the Scullions. These punks are so weak that I think Eric Von Zipper’s Rats could beat their asses, but yet, they’ve got the entire neighborhood quacking, I mean, quaking in fear.
Police Academy 2 cost more money than the original and it brought in less money at the box office. And as a kid back in the 1980's I can tell you why: this shit was rated PG-13. There wasn't any internet back in the day, so if a movie is rated PG-13 you know there's not going to be any nudity. And if there is, it's just gonna be some split second bullshit. Add on top of that, the tired ass jokes and the lack of Sgt. Callahan (and her tight shirts) and Kim Cattrall and you’re gonna have less interest.
Overall, part 2 is an alright watch, but pretty boring. There are a few scenes that might make you smirk, but that’s about it. Rehashed jokes, okay pacing, weakass nudity, wasted L.A. locations, a single (dumbed down) Blue Oyster Bar scene that isn’t even funny, weak ending. I have more to say, but honestly POLICE ACADEMY 2 is a boring movie and I’m getting bored with this review.
Also, Lt. Mauser was okay, but he's not as funny as Lt. Harris.
[Update 1/30/25: I was doing some daydreaming inside my handsome brain today and what if in addition to Lassard’s brother, they also had Callahan’s sister? Leslie Easterbrook was reportedly unable to be in the film due to a pregnancy so they should have had Dyanne Thorne as her sister! Goddamn I’m a fucking genius.]
Part 1 - Police Academy (1984)
Part 3 - Police Academy 3: Back in Training (1986)
Part 4 - Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol (1987)
Part 5 - Police Academy 5: Assignment Miami Beach (1988)
Part 6 - Police Academy 6: City Under Siege (1989)
Part 7 - Police Academy: Mission to Moscow (1994)