Showing posts with label Hal Holbrook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hal Holbrook. Show all posts

Friday, August 16, 2013


Rough around the edges, low-budget slasher set on a college campus about a serial killer that's stalking coeds during a lame radio station sponsored scavenger hunt...while wearing a bear costume.  That might sound silly, but it's not too bad.  Better than that shitty poster above would lead you to believe. The kills come at a brisk enough pace, there's a bunch of different characters and their behavior is so wacky that it's hard not to be entertained.  Sadly though there's zero nudity or overly gruesome kills.  Most of the violence is suggested or done completely off screen.

Another bizarre touch (besides the bear suit) is the addition of Hal Holbrook who has pretty much zero interaction with the cast.  From what I've read, all of his scenes were shot in one day and then just edited into the movie!  Example: in the campus cafeteria some students are informed by the waitress that Hal paid for their food.  They look up and say thanks.  Cut to to a shot of Hal nodding his head.  Hahaha.

Your average movie watcher would probably hate GIRLS NITE OUT (it currently sits at 3.5/10 on IMBb), but i thought it had a certain charm to it and I wouldn't be against watching it again.  One unique thing I did notice was this film didn't have a Final Girl.  You don't see that very often.
Hey, it's that hot chick from THE BURNING.

Monday, February 20, 2012


Legendary actor Hal Holbrook plays Abner Meecham, an old man who, after a fall was placed in an assisted living home by his son. Abner doesn't like it there, so one day he says "Deuces!" and walks out. He catches a ride back to his farm only to find that his son has rented his homestead out to a white trash family headed up by Lonzo Choat. Unwilling to give up the home he's worked his entire life for, he moves into a small shack off to the side of the big house and refuses to leave. What follows next is an increasingly volatile standoff between Meecham and Choat.

So close to being awesome. The first two acts of the story were really good. Excellent character development, lots of tension building, but then it seems the writer wrote himself into a corner because the ending, at least to me, was a major letdown. I was hoping for something explosive and memorable. Instead THAT EVENING SUN drops with a thud.

Worth a watch for sure, if only for Hal Holbrook's performance. I'm kinda surprised that he didn't receive an Oscar nomination for his performance, but then again the Academy has never been known for making smart decisions. The entire supporting cast was very good also.