Wednesday, December 23, 2009


[Update 05/17/2021: Need to redo this review completely. Fix the screenshots also.]

For years I've thought that this was a hardcore horror movie so when I started it up I was quite shocked when the opening theme song was some pathetic 70's folk guitar ballad horseshit. Then the characters show up and they're a bunch of pussies! What the hell is going on here...this is a goddamn drama movie!!! Once I settled into my disappointment I realized that the film wasn't half bad. In fact it's pretty much a HEATHERS of the 70's.

David's new to Central High. He meets different students (each representing a different political group or ideal) and the four bullies who keep order in the school with an iron fist (I guess they represent Communism). David instantly gets on the bad side of the bullies and tries to get the other students to revolt. They decline and the bullies break David's leg. He returns to school and assassinates three of the bullies. With no bullies, the students go wild and tear the shit out of everything and start fighting over who's going to be the new boss. David doesn't like how things are turning out so he starts a fresh wave of assassinations.

The gore level is zero and I used the term "assassination" for a reason, he isn't murdering people in standard slasher fashion, but actually assassinating them like in a political action film...bombings, sabotaging vehicles, etc . This movie is not a slasher. It's more like a high school retelling of Orwell's "Animal Farm" with more violence and weird 70's fashions. Only a half-hearted recommendation.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


[Update 07/25/2022: Need rewatch this film and redo this review completely. Fix the screenshots also.]

Released two months before MY FAVORITE WIFE this movie is pretty much the same story, but it's the husband instead of the wife getting shipwrecked. Also, the timeline is different and, ahh, who cares? Anyway, Fred MacMurray is the unfortunate shipwreck victim who comes home a year later to find that his wife has married his best friend, Melvyn Douglas. Instead of just saying "Deuces!" and finding the closest divorce lawyer, both husbands whimper and fuss like little children and beg Jean Arthur to pick him as her rightful husband.

As pathetic as that is it's kinda amusing and I was shocked at how much sexual innuendo made it past the censors. I swear to Satan at one point Jean Arthur was saying she wanted some double penetration!!! I'm serious!  MacMurray and Douglas bicker constantly and do stuff like jump over chairs to impress Arthur. It's all just crazy yelling, with no real substance.

Comparing it to other screwball comedies of the day, it's just OK and I really can't recommend it. Unless you're a Arthur and/or MacMurray fan, who I think both did very well considering the script was a mess.


For a movie about an 7 foot tall metal-skinned werewolf bringin’ a ruckus…there sure is a lot of talking going on.  The film starts out well enough with some CIA dudes on a mission in Hungary to collect werewolf blood.  The first guy distracts the monster by placing his neck in the werewolf’s gaping mouth full of nasty, big, pointy teeth while the other CIA dude shoots the creature with silver bullets.  There’s no indication if he hits the wolfman in the nards or not, but I like to believe so.  Once back stateside, some scientists at a Top-Secret facility try to use the werewolf blood to make a super soldier.  Good news is they succeed!  Bad news is this mother woke up grumpy as fuck (Grrrrr.) and immediately starts killing the wookalar piss out of everybody.   It’s mildly entertaining in a low-budget, early 1990’s horror movie kind of way.

I could probably toss in some Barry Bostwick ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW jokes or make some lame quips about a "metal" werewolf who is really into metal music, but I'm not feeling it.  The movie is mildly interesting in an nostalgic way for older viewers and that's about it.  The "metalbeast" looks cool, but isn't on screen enough.  The rest of the characters are forgettable and boring.  The dialogue is nothing.  It just sounds like "burrr, buuurrrr, burrrrr..." after awhile.  Zero nudity, very little blood, zero gore, dumb ending, boring direction.  Watch it if you want, but don't blame me if you fall asleep.

Monday, December 14, 2009


[Update 05/16/2022: Need rewatch this film and redo this review completely. Fix the screenshots also.]

This movie is a disaster! With a title like IF YOU COULD ONLY COOK I was expecting all kinds of funny skits about a woman who's hired to be a cook but can't cook! Now that could have been comedy gold, but "Noooo!" this turkey has nothing to do with cooking! Instead it's just a forced love story about two people who, as far as I can tell, have nothing in common. Wealthy automobile executive Herbert Marshall gets in a big argument with his board of directors so he goes for a walk to cool down. While sitting on a park bench he meets unemployed Jean Arthur. She's looking through the Help Wanted classifieds and the only thing she can find is a position for a cook and butler/husband and wife. She talks Herbert into trying out for the job and they get hired on the spot! In my opinion that is a wonderful set up for some screwball excitement and in the hands of somebody like Howard Hawks, Frank Capra or Preston Sturges this movie would have been a sidesplitter, but we're not so lucky. Instead of going the over the top screwball route IYCOC is just a clusterfucked mess.

The biggest problem is the script. It sucks. There's nothing remotely funny at all. If I didn't already know this was a comedy I would have just mistaken it for a badly written drama. My second biggest complaint is Herbert Marshall. I liked him in stuff like THE FLY and FOREIGN CORRESPONDENT, but in this one he has the screen presence of an antique lamp. Terrible.

I have a few other complaints but they're not worth listing. Just take my word for it: this movie is a bore.