Tuesday, June 23, 2015


"I can't accept the proximity of my face and my vagina."

Wow.  This is one hell of a movie...and I'm not sure that I'm saying that in a good way or a bad way.  Fourteen-year-old schoolgirl Alice (played by 20 year-old Charlotte Alexandra) is home for summer on her parents farm.  Being physically very mature for her age, I, at first thought, that she was just going through some sexual awakenings when she would touch herself and fantasize about local boys/men, but then she started puking on herself, putting thorns in her panties, laying her panties on a rotted dog corpse, rubbing her bare foot in human piss while smoking, crushing eggs, smearing earwax and pussy juice all over the place, masturbating on the train tracks, sticking a tanning oil bottle up her asshole and fantasizing about rubbing dismembered worms on her pussy and sticking chicken feathers up her butthole and I began to change my mind...this chick is wack.  Maybe not as wack as the woman from THE PIANO TEACHER but give her time, she's still young.

Wack or not, A REAL YOUNG GIRL is an interesting movie and definitely not one you're going to forget anytime soon.  There's plenty of nudity on the part of Alice and various guy's ping-dings (which I didn't feel like taking screenshots of)[Edit 02/07/2021: that's pretty closed-minded of me.  I'm sorry.  I'll update with pictures of dudes floppy junk when I get a chance], but it's all done in such a slow arthouse way that there is zero sexual gratification from watching it.  Also everything is so dirty!  Flies everywhere, dirt all over the place, the bathtub is nearly black with grime, dead animals, blood, a chicken having it's throat slit onscreen in graphic detail, chicken entrails, piss standing on the floor, vomit, mutilated worms, a crushed egg...it's all very unsexy.  I can only guess that that was done on purpose by the filmmakers, but it's doesn't mean I have to like it.  I like my sexy movies with as little chicken intestines and rotten dead dogs as possible.

Interesting as a arthouse film.  Uninteresting as a sex movie  100% worth checking out.

Monday, June 22, 2015

NOMADS (1986)

Late one night, Los Angeles emergency room doctor Lesley-Anne Down is looking at a new patient (Pierce Brosnan) who appears to be stark raving mad.  He's strapped to a gurney, but then in some kind of death burst he launches up and bites her on the ear while saying "They are not there; they are Innuat."  Then he falls over as dead as a doornail. Somehow the ear bite transferred all of his recent memories from his noddle into her noodle and now she's going around in a dream state reliving his interactions with a group of evil spirits that dress up in human form.

That's a cool idea, unfortunately, instead of going for a straightforward horror movie the filmmakers went with the dreamy urban thriller route.  It worked for about 30 minutes then got too discombobulated for my liking.  Also, the evil spirits weren't scary and they were never fully explained.  Are they angry about something or are they just mischievous?  Either way they didn't seem to even be interested in Brosnan until he started pestering them!!!  How can I have any sympathy for a character that purposely puts himself in harms way, either on purpose or by his own stupidity?

Strong start, nice photography, interesting story idea, good acting, highly disappointing second half with a laughable ending, non-threatening punks, low gas prices, Pierce Brosnan's butt cheeks, 80's guitar rock score.  Not really worth watching, especially if you are looking for a horror movie.