Saturday, August 11, 2012

THE CORE (2003)

"You want me to hack the planet?"

One day freaky accidents start happening. Pacemakers quit working, the guidance system on the Space Shuttle shits itself, birds get crunk and wreck into a bus, a random fish hits a window in London (screenshot below), lightning storms, an EM Tear detected, human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together...mass hysteria! Scientists determine that the Earth's core has stopped spinning, so now a group of dorks are gonna have to drive a laser drill RV down to the bottom of the planet and give that bitch a nuclear kick in the nuts. Sounds reasonable enough.

If you're looking for a serious film then it's Bad News Bears for you, but if you're looking for something cheesy to laugh at then THE CORE is a safe bet. It's not a cheeseball home run like ARMAGEDDON, but it's pretty goddamn horrible. I especially liked the hacker dude talking about his "kung fu" and the Carl Sagan guy rambling about the human condition. My one big complaint is there's no hot chicks in the entire movie. It was a total sausagefest. They should have at least given us one hot chick to look at. C'mon!

Dated special effects, nearly all male cast, goofy science, Xena tapes, Hot Pockets, multiple misspelled words, people being thrust forward during a free fall, Rome blowing up, not all cast members moving during a wreck, plot holes big enough to drive a laser drill RV through...this movie is an awesome guilty pleasure that I don't feel guilty at all about enjoying.  I honestly watch it a few times a year.  No bullshit.  Check it out.


I love the first two AMERICAN PIE films, but after the disappointing Part 3 and the multiple spin-offs (that I've never even seen) I was both worried and excited when they announced this fourth film. But I'm glad to announce that my worrying was for nothing because AMERICAN REUNION is awesome! After the first film I think it might be the funniest of the series.

I don't want to give too much away, since it's so much fun catching up with the characters, but the East Great Falls High School Class of 1999 reunion is coming up so the gang decides to get together a few days early to do some hanging out and partying. That's all I'm going to tell you because I thought this film was a blast. It would have been so easy, now that the characters are adults, to let a bunch of depressing shit into the story, but they did an great job of weeding that junk out and leaving us with the kind of heartfelt raunchy sex friendship topless romance bromance stuff that made us fall in love with the AMERICAN PIE gang to begin with.

My only complaint is Nadia didn't have a big enough role. Also, nobody yelled "Suck me, beautiful!" Other than that I love the movie and I can't wait until the next installment! I'm so jonesed up for more AMERICAN PIE I might even go watch those spin-offs. Satan help me.

Part 1 - American Pie (1999)
Part 2 - American Pie 2 (2001)
Part 3 - American Wedding (2003)