Monday, December 7, 2015


I don't know what's going on in that poster but it sure as hell ain't what happening in the movie.  That poster looks awesome with four hot chicks getting ready to fight a giant muscled-up gargoyle creature.  Instead, in the movie you have one attractive girl and three plain ones standing around doing a bunch of nothing...for the entire movie!

Set in the future or the past or whenever, but somewhere when spaceships are commonplace, there's a 80's all-girl rock group.  They're invited to play at a club tomorrow night called Radioactive Dream.  It's located on another planet far away.  Their manager steals a spacecraft, but unknown to them there's a guy locked in the storage hold who's killed "over 5,000" women.  Naturally, they crash into a desert planet and the killer dude escape.  Nothing happens.  Nothing happened before and nothing happens afterward.  The majority of the movie is just these four women and their male manager talking and talking and talking.  It's lame.  The End.

After seeing the poster I was excited to watch VICIOUS LIPS, but the whole thing was a disappointment.  It wasn't torture to get through, just tiring.  Sloooow pace, three-titted woman four years before 1990's TOTAL RECALL, lots of cheap sets, fog machines working overtime, very brief female nudity, okay acting, forgettable 80's rock.  Skip it.


There was a number of military aviation films back in the late 1920's/early 1930's...THE FLYING ACE (1926), WINGS (1927), THE FLYING FLEET (1929), HELL'S ANGELS (1930), THE DAWN PATROL (1930) and HELL DIVERS featuring top-billed Wallace Beery and a young pre-mustache Clark Gable.

Wallace Beery is the top dog in a fighting squadron of dive bombers, so when a new guy (Gable) comes in and wins the "champion machine gunner" title he gets butthurt.  It also doesn't help that Wallace is a total screw-up.  Always drinking and partying, borrowing money non-stop, lying, randomly punching people.  He's not a pleasant guy to be around.  Because of this, Gable and Beery are constantly butting heads.

Life goes on.  The squadron train in their dive bombers and eventually fly down to Panama to do some more training over the water.  Throughout it all Beery and Gable are at eat others throats.  It's tiresome.  After awhile you learn that the story is unimportant and the real entertainment is in all of the vintage footage of the old airplanes, Navy ships and even a Zeppelin!

Moderate pace, severely dated story, annoying "Aw, shucks!" acting by Beery (who I usually like), exciting aerial scenes.  Overall, it's a watchable movie, just very dated.  Aviation and military nuts will get a kick out of the planes and stuff but the average moviegoer will probably be bored.

Would make an interesting double-feature with 1941's DIVE BOMBER.  It even looks like they used some of the same filming locations.  Also planes in both films feature a top hat painted on the side.
Somebody is dangling off the side.

Jack Pennick