As far as Arnold movies go, this one is pretty boring. In the opening few
minutes, his wife and kid are exploded all to fuck by a terrorist
bombing. After the government proves it can't bring the terrorists to
justice, Arnold goes to Columbia to kick in some bootieholes. Unfortunately,
this isn't a sequel to COMMANDO and Arnold doesn't kick in much bootiehole at
all. In fact, he spends most of the movie grunting, overacting, falling
down and making stupid decisions. The story
is constantly moving
forward, but it's so weak and lifeless, that I honestly didn't care what
happened to anybody.
Unoriginal story, boring action, a lot of people too stupid to live, zero
nudity, only one really good Arnold moment (his grunt while going down the
elevator shaft), government agents barking shits like "I want that in 10
minutes!", an absolutely horrible looking waterfall scene, John Leguizamo
rapping while wearing a post-Cliff Burton Metallica shirt.
Worth watching (I guess) just to check it out for yourself. As for me, I'll
probably watch COMMANDO another 50 times before I re-visit this snoozer.