Everything you would expect happens. The deaths are amusing, but the entire thing kinda was not as much fun as Part 2. Maybe that's just me or maybe it's because there was only two main characters whereas in Part 2 the entire group hung out a lot together at the same time and it kept you guessing as to who was going to die next. This time around the two leads went around visiting people right about the time that they died. That's weak and leads to zero suspense. But whatever, it's still a entertaining watch and Mary Elizabeth Winstead is nice to look at.
Worth a viewing, but it's nothing to get overly excited about. Oh yea, here's the topless chick at the tanning salon.
Part 1 - Final Destination (2000)
Part 2 - Final Destination 2 (2003)
Part 4 - The Final Destination (2009)
Part 5 - Final Destination 5 (2011)