Showing posts with label Harrison Ford. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Harrison Ford. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


President Harrison Ford ain't taking none of your shit, you smelly terrorist buttholes.  Now take your nasty unwashed, ballsackz and "Get off my plane!"

If you couldn't tell by the rousing music and the masses of people staring at him all glowy-eyed, President Harrison Ford is the greatest human in the history of the universe.  So when some naughty terrorist poopheads (lead by Gary Oldman) hijack Air Force One, it's up to President Harrison Ford to fake his escape and then turn the tables on these silly, silly clownheads and give them a twenty-one nut kick salute to the balls!

For a 1990's action film, AIR FORCE ONE still holds up.  It's a little dated in the special effects and visceral action departments, but other than that it's an entertaining timewaster.  I especially liked the performances of the two leads (Ford and Oldman).  Although, I do wish that they would have made Oldman's character more psychotic.  Quick pace, lots of action, patriotism overdose, anti-climatic ending, zero nudity, President Harrison Ford, that one guy looking like he's holding in a very unpatriotic fart for the last half of the movie, explosions, overacting, the Wishmaster getting choked out, average direction.  Would make an interesting double-feature with EXECUTIVE DECISION.

Drinking game idea: every time somebody overrides another person's order, every time Gary Oldman screams and every time somebody sacrifices themselves to save President Harrison Ford's life.

Friday, October 11, 2013


The President gets all pissed off when a friend of his, who just happened to skim $650 million off of some dealings he had with a South American drug cartel, is murdered by that same drug cartel.  The President gives his henchmen permission to take out the drug cartel.  Secretly, of course.  At the same time, Jack Ryan (Ford) is appointed Deputy Director of the CIA.  He has no idea about the black-ops stuff happening in South America.  When he discovers what's going on, he heads down to SA himself to rescue the men that were left behind.  Of course there's tons of other shit is going on, but you'll just have to see for yourself.  It's all very exciting.

Much more violence than the first two Jack Ryan films, grander scale and story, 141 minute runtime that flies by, explosions, helicopters, small appearance by Hope Lange, jets, Hollywood-style computer hacking, James Earl Jones, snipers, solid acting, a gigantic computer monitor, enjoyable bad guys.  I really enjoyed CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER, but I was disappointed in the lack of screen time for Archer, Birch and the complete absence of J. E. Freeman.  Good 90's thriller.

Part 1 -The Hunt for Red October (1990)
Part 2 - Patriot Games (1992)
Reboot 1 - The Sum of All Fears (2002)
Reboot 2 - Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (2014)