Graded against every other Slasher movie ever made in the last 10 years IAKWYDLS is about average since nearly every Slasher movie ever made in the last 10 years pretty much sucks. Poopy looking special effects, dead in the water story, annoying characters, zero gore, very little blood, silly looking bad guy and worse of all is just the way the general look of the movie. I don't know what you call that grainy/lame colour effect, but it sucked. I say skip this turkey with a vengeance and never look back. The only redeeming value IAKWYDLS has it it stars that girl from the underrated insect attack movie INFESTATION, but sadly she's totally wasted here.
Part 1 - I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997)
Part 2 - I Still Know What You Did Last Summer (1998)

More like 92 minutes, amirite?