The story is about a group of high school kids on a class trip. One of their classmates hung herself due to bullying (you know I'm not even sure this is correct, but who cares?) and now her friend or a ghost or somebody is giving "death calls" to the students and they have an option to forward the "death call" to another person! That aspect was actually kinda cool and funny, but unfortunately the story just kept getting more and more convoluted as it went on until I heard bubbling sounds coming from inside my handsome brain, so I stopped thinking so hard.
Zero gore, crappy CG effects, offscreen kill scenes, zero tits, main character using sign language, respectable body count, confusing storyline. Of the four films I've seen I liked the beginning of this film probably the best, but it quickly went to Hell. Skip it, hell skip the entire goddamn series and never look back. The only reason to watch any of these films is Kazue Fukiishi in the original and she dies half way through!
Part 1 - One Missed Call (2003)
Part 2 - One Missed Call 2 (2005)
Remake - One Missed Call (2008)
Take that you demon possessed Inbox...I mean monitor...what the Hell? Oh God, my brain's bubbling again.