COMA is a very well-made film. It looks great and the acting by the impressive cast is top-notch, the only thing that threw me off was why didn't Genevieve's character ever contact the police or even a local news station or newspaper?
COMA fits in well with other paranoia films of the time (THE STEPFORD WIVES, INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS), but unlike those films (where the main victim was pretty much helpless or unaware) the victim here has many, many chances to contact outside help. Other than that aspect, I liked the film and found the story idea to be really creepy. Worth watching for fans of 1970's Cinema.
Pointless observation: If you look up the location of the Jefferson Institute
on Google Maps (191 Spring St. Lexington, Massachusetts), as of August 2020,
they really fixed up that building to look way less sinister and creepy.
Lots of new windows and a new outdoor sitting area. They even got rid of that
awful pointy curb that people were probably blowing their tires out on.

Camera crew in reflection.