Saturday, June 23, 2012


[Update 08/25/2022: Need rewatch this film and redo this review completely. I also 100% thought that I had posted better scans of my VHS tape. I need to fix that also.

Update 10/09/2023: Blu Ray came out. Going to leave my old crappy screenshots for now just because I love how gritty they look, but I did add some scans of the blu ray cover and insert.]

This movie is awesome!!!

THE ABOMINATION starts out with a strange as hell 3-minute dream sequence that gives away all of the gore scenes (some of them multiple times). Eventually the dreamer, Cody, wakes up and, I'm not bullshitting, then the entire movie appears to be dubbed over. I don't know what the hell was going on, but the audio didn't perfectly match what was happening onscreen but for whatever reason I loved it. There was even footsteps for when people walked around! Hahaha! I haven't laughed so hard since I first watched my bootleg double audio version of EBOLA SYNDROME!

So anyway, Cody lives in some rundown ass house but yet his voice is talking offscreen with a doctor. He's telling him about how one day he came home late from work and his mom, as usual, was watching her favorite TV preacher, Brother Fogg, on TV. They talk for a bit, then he leaves and afterwards she barfs up a nasty tumor. Later that evening, the tumor crawls into Cody's mouth as he's sleeping and possesses him. This Abomination is now in control and it causing him to kill and kill again!!!  It's awesome.

The rest of the movie is just Cody going around killing people and doing wacky shit. I'm not going to give it all away, but goddamn it I laughed so hard I thought I was going to soil myself. From a filmmaking perspective there's hundreds of things wrong with this movie, but yet they're all so perfectly wrong in just right ways! This film, in my opinion, is a goldmine. It's even better than THE NAIL GUN MASSACRE! That's right. You heard me. THE ABOMINATION is a masterpiece of zero-budget shitty horror movies. Any worthless hack can make a terrible movie (PARASITIC I'm thinking about you motherfucker!), but all the stars have to align just right to make something so unique and perfectly horrible as THE ABOMINATION. It's truly one of a kind.

But should you watch it or go through the trouble of locating a copy? Probably not. I would imagine that 99% of the people in the world would absolutely hate THE ABOMINATION, but if you're one of the lucky few that can appreciate it for what it is then yes by all means watch it. You'll be smiling for days.


PRINCE OF DARKNESS is one of the more underrated horror films of the 80's. It's not your standard slasher flick or supernatural ghost story.  It's a disturbing story about a group of scientists suddenly confronted with the fact that Satan is real. Not in a bullshit Christianity way, but in a much older and even worse way: Satan is just the offspring of an even more powerful "anti-god" creature that's been locked away for a really long time...and this cylinder full of green liquid in the basement of a derelict church is the key to releasing it! Yikes!

Gorehounds jonesing for a demon splatterfest will be disappointed, but if you're in the mood for a nice 80's demonic creepfest then you're in luck. PRINCE OF DARKNESS might not have much blood, but it has an awesome suppressive atmosphere about it that stays with you even after the movie is over. There's just something about the idea of being trapped in a building by a creature that actually thrives off of your disbelief and can control lower lifeforms like insects and Alice Cooper-impersonating hobos that I found to be especially creepy.

Highly recommended just for Jameson Parker's mustache alone.