As usual, various unimportant characters are stabbed to death and in the end, lots of running around and talking nonstop culminate in the killer revealing himself/herself/themselves and then lecturing the Final Girl until I start yelling "Hurry the fuck up!" at the TV . Thing is, despite the overload of cultural references (I'm sure those Facebook and Twitter comments will make about as much sense in 40 years as "rabbit test" does right now) and annoying characters I liked this movie better than the two previous sequels, but then again that's not saying much. Entertaining watch, but I was really disappointed in how this movie was just another rehash of the original. I was really hoping that in the last decade they could have at least written something fresh that would shock the audience. But I guess not.
Zero tits, moderate blood, SHAWN OF THE DEAD on TV, minor gore, slow pace. Same shit, different decade.
Part 1 - Scream (1996)
Part 2 - Scream 2 (1997)
Part 3 - Scream 4 (2000)
Part 5 - Scream (2022)
Part 6 - Scream VI (2023)